3 Background
The technology of Triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) provides an approach to manipulate genes at the DNA level by catalyzing the formation of a triple helix with an additional strand – the TFO. TFOs bind to specific sites on double-stranded DNA, creating a unique triple-helix DNA structure through Hoogsteen hydrogen bonding, these sites are commonly referred to as TFO target sites (TTS). Targeting by TFOs is specific to its respective TTS(s). Triplex formation has been observed to influence gene expression selectively, stimulate homologous recombination, trigger mutations, inhibit protein binding, and direct DNA damage. These sites typically feature a poly-purine sequence in duplex genomic DNA, and the characteristics of these TTS sequences greatly influence the formation of the triplex.
We anticipate that TTSBBC will serve as a cutting-edge analysis and visualization platform for TTSs and genomic instability research. This app will assist users in the screening of genomic regions for TTSs, thus facilitating further understanding of the role of TTS structures in cancer development and other genetic diseases.