23 Inputs

This module enables users to input any nucleotide sequence and the number of mismatches, and then TTSBBC will align this sequence and its mismatches to the human reference genome.

23.1 TTS Sequence

This input requires the user enter a valid nucleotide sequence from 5` to 3`. There is no size limitations on the sequence you enter. Note that the input sequence you provide will be aligned to the human reference genome returning only alignments with no mismatches. This alignment uses the same parameters as used in our preproccessing for TTSs, so it is optimized for shorter sequences.

23.2 Number of Mismatches

Based on the input sequence and the value for this input (any of: 0, 1, <=2, <=3), “mySEQ” will calculate all possible sequence variants and align those to the reference genome the same as the query sequence. The more mismatches that you provide the longer the alignment and data cleaning following will take.

23.3 Button Trigger

The “Align mySEQ” button is what triggers an alignment, whatever values are in the sequence and mismatch fields at the time of clicking the button will be passed to the internal alignment and cleaning programs. Any edits made after clicking this button will not take effect until a new alignment is run by clicking the button again.