13 Overview
The goal of the Barcode module in TTSBBC is to conduct analyses of TTS sequence level features and mappings locations for users to find a(n) actionable TTS(s).
TTS Barcoding is grouping TTSs based on sequence-level features. In TTSBBC, Barcodes are defined by above/below median (for the database) guanine percent and length. Other barcodes have hard cutoffs, presence of a G-quadruplex motif, if the number of pyrimidine interruptions is >0, and if the number of mappings is >1. These are our definitions for the TTS barcodes, but the concept is not limited to these definitions used in the app. Barcoding is to help group TTSs and inform users of what sequence level characteristics each TTS has. Therefore, in TTSBBC we provide users the ability to filter by these barcodes. We also provide an informative summary of the distribution of barcodes across the query regions
The TTSs that are nonspecific (S+) have off target mapping locations. These locations are visualized with genomic density plots and links in a circos plot under TTS Spatial.
TTS Clustering offers sequence-level, unsupervised clustering of features. For example when exploring motif selection, length and guanine percent can be two major factors to consider. The clustering of TTS sequences based on the selected sequence features can be viewed at both the query-region-level and barcode-level.