1 Triplex Target Site Biomarkers and Barcodes in Cancer

  • The purpose of this user manual is to provide a comprehensive explanation of the various modules and functions of the application, accompanied by examples to aid in understanding.

  • The application is accessible without any login requirements and is completely free to use at: https://kowalski-labapps.dellmed.utexas.edu/TTSBC/

To ensure a seamless experience for all users, the application was developed in RShiny and has been deployed on the AWS Fargate architecture, which is a scalable and serverless containerization solution.

This deployment of TTSBBC has been made possible through the use of various AWS services such as ECS and Fargate, which have been provided by the Kowalski Lab. The deployment is also supported by the IT solutions team at the University of Texas at Austin, along with the Dell Medical School.